Advantages of Bamboo Toothbrush –Know the detail


Tooth brushing is actually the easiest and most effective way to prevent almost any tooth disease. The first toothbrush was introduced before a new age of 3000 (which is quite old). It doesn’t look like the toothbrush I use today. In fact, the first toothbrushes or “chew-in sticks” were disposable, as they could only be used after meals to clean dirt that had accumulated in hard to reach places.


This article explains the different parts of a toothbrush, how to use them, and how to brush your teeth properly. Toothbrush Parts Toothbrushes may seem simple, but they are subject to a number of patent regulations before they become trademarks.


Toothbrush head the toothbrush head contains all the benefits of bamboo toothbrush necessary parts to clean your teeth. Head sizes are available in different sizes depending on the user’s desired age. A small toothbrush head is recommended for children and preschoolers who are not yet full of teeth. Medium sized heads are designed for teens and adults with large teeth. There are also large toothbrush heads used by larger sized people as well as those who prefer general cleaning.


Two Important Parts:


Tongue scrapers are the latest innovation in commercial production of toothbrushes. In the past, it was just toothpaste. However, toothbrush makers soon received the suggestion that there should also be a specially designed toothbrush to scrape dirt off the tongue. Since the hair was actually designed to clean teeth, a patent was issued to straighten the scraper behind the head (to avoid using it anyway) and completely clean the mouth.


Almost all types of toothbrushes have a tongue scraper. The higher the price of the toothbrush, the more improvement is needed to match the benefits of bamboo toothbrush and performance of the toothbrush. If you notice, expensive toothbrushes have a lot of brand and marketing information about the effects of tongue shaving.


Brushes are the most important part of a toothbrush. why? To do 90% of the cleaning (the remaining 10% is a tongue scraper). The brush is made of nylon, so it is soft and firm. There are two types of hair, soft and hard.


Soft brushes are commercially made for those with sensitive teeth, brassieres, and those who have recently undergone oral surgery. A soft brush facilitates access to teeth and gums. These soft brushes are made of very fine nylon material and are suitable for simpler and safer brushes.


If you are wearing a toothbrush, make sure the benefits of bamboo toothbrush and toothbrush is dry before using it. Otherwise, the hair may mold. Use a perforated toothbrush holder. This helps with ventilation to avoid mold.


Some Basic Points before using a Toothbrush


·         Grease them together and spread bacteria, limiting the number of brushes stored in open packages.

·         Wash the toothbrush before and after each use, keep in running water and hide your fingers for 5-10 seconds.

·         Thoroughly clean the toothbrush in a dishwasher’s top basket (wherever it melts) using regular dishwashing detergent. You can use hot water, but be careful not to mix the toothbrush.

·         Replace the toothbrush every 3-4 months. This also applies to electric toothbrushes.

·         Always use toothpaste and help clean the brush.

·         To disinfect the toothbrush, store it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (replace it daily for several hours because it will turn into water).

·         Place the toothbrush with alcohol in a small bowl and stir for about 30 seconds. In gargles, alcohol kills most


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